Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The best remedies for a skin burn! (from a hot metal)

Hey hey heeeeey! How y'all pretty people doing? :) I hope you are doing great. I myself feel better from even though it's ridiculously cold here and also my mood is excellent because today I received a package full of makeup and other cutzie stuff from my friend from Germany :) I will of course make a post to show you what I got but I am not sure when (there is a smaller package inside that she only gave me permission to open on Christmas Eve, so maybe I will make 2 separate posts or I will post them all then later on December. We will see. :) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways!

Today's post is about how to treat your skin if you get burnt from a hot metal. You have to keep in mind that every type of burn is different and therefore it has to be treated differently, so this remedy works specifically from burns from hot metals such as cooking pots, frying pans, curling irons, oven etc.

You should always have in your fridge a pure tomato paste (the one we use for pasta sauce that doesn't contain anything else but tomato). So if you get burnt do not use cold water but pour IMMEDIATELY tomato paste on the affected area. Let it there for a while until it doesn't feel cooling anymore then rinse it off and apply again. What I do, to not mess up everything is put the paste in a small tea cup or a small plate and I put my hand in (I usually burn my hands). Keep your hand in cool (not freezing) paste for as long as you feel comfortable and then slowly (if the burn is not very serious), the burning sensation and the pain will start going away.
After that you can wash the area with normal temperature water and you can apply pure Aloe Vera gel that is soothing and cooling.

Keep in mind, this is a remedy for not serious burns. If you get burnt really badly you have to go to the doctor. This is a remedy for small burns that we get while cooking or doing our hair or heating up something to help the pain go away and minimize the scarring.

If you don't have tomato paste, you can use ketchup. It's not as effective but it will help with the pain. And if you don't have ketchup you can use fresh cold milk or yogurt, they are as well not as effective but they will help.

Alrighty! That's it! Take care while doing stuff that require hot metals and be safe and healthy!

xo Heliana xo


Beautyandthefoodbeast said...

aaa den to ixera auto gia tin ntomata!! :D tha to dokimasw an kaw (xtupa xulo)!
exw sto mpalkoni glastroula aloe vera!!

Iliana Kontolaimaki said...

ναι. οι περισσοτεροι ξέρουν την οδοντόπαστα αλλά όσες φορές χρησιμοποίησα μου άφησε σημάδι το κάψιμο αλλά με την τομάτα το γλιτώνω :) εγώ έχω πάντα στο ψυγείο ένα πουμαρό γιατί γενικά είμαι λίγο άτσαλη :P

buthekitchensink said...

πάντα βάζω Aloe για τα καψίματα, είναι σωτήρια! Για την ντομάτα δεν το ήξερα!!

Iliana Kontolaimaki said...

Η Αloe είναι γενικά καλή για πολλά πράγματα, μέχρι και για τα μαλλιά... :) Η μαμά μου, μου το έμαθε αυτό για την τομάτα :)