Thursday, May 16, 2013

Signs that you need a hair trim!

I just trimmed my hair and I really really wanted to make a video about it but between the messed up house (student in exam session, you know what I mean) and my cat jumping around I couldn't make it but hopefully in a month or so (that my next trim will take place) I will record it and upload it.

I personally trim my hair every month or so and I have to point out that if you ever heard that trimming your hair often will never let your hair grow long it's a totaly myth. I started trimming my hair about a year ago and my hair from shoulder length is almost reaching my waist.

Why trim your hair? To get rid of the split and damaged ends that will cause breakage later to your hair, to refresh your haircut to make bland stronger end to your hair that will prevent it from breaking.

When you hear someone say "my hair simply doesn't grow so I won't get a haircut" you should know that its wrong. In most of the cases someones hair doesn't seem to grow because their hair keeps breaking off so it stays shorter, taking care of your hair and cutting the damage off regularly will lead to strong and healthy beautiful hair.

When to trim your hair? Simple signs that indicate your hair needs refreshing:
- Split ends. Many girls keep their long hair because they don't wanna get it cut to look all luscious and sexy but guess what, long hair full of split ends is far from beautiful and sexy.
- If you use heat styling often. It causes damage to our hair and that damage needs to be cut away.
- If you dye your whole hair often (monthly or more often) with a dye that needs developer or bleach.
- If your ends are tangled all the time.
- If you wear your hair down often, the hair rubs on the clothes and it gets (not serious) but some damage.
- If you don't use any type of treatments. Coconut oil is the best thing you can use to lock moisture in your hair cuticles. Especially curly hair that the natural oils of your scalp never reach it needs some sort of moisture. You can also use argan oil or even normal virgin olive oil and now and them some hair mask.
- If you don't use conditioner.
- If the end of your hairs (hairs not hair) is significally thinner than the roots - also known as feathering.

As I mentioned in a previous post you should trim your hair every 4 to 6 weeks especially if you dye it and heat style it a lot but if you keep it completely virgin and not heat style it you can get away with it with 2-3 times per year.

That's all for now, take care of yourselves and your hair ;)

XO, Heliana


Beautyandthefoodbeast said...

prepei na kopsw ta mallia moU!!!exw ena examino na ta kopsw!!hhahahha!!

Iliana Kontolaimaki said...

εεεε πρέπει! εγώ τα κόβω λίγο μόνη μου κάθε μήνα γιατί πέραν του ότι δε λέει να πηγαίνεις στο κομμωτήριο κάθε μήνα και να τα σκας σου κόβουνε και 3 φορές παραπάνω από ότι τους λες. Βέβαια πάω να φρεσκάρω το φιλάρισμα πού και πού αλλά η κομμώτρια που πήγαινα έφυγε και δεν εμπιστεύομαι εύκολα κομμωτές :P Δραμα! χαχαχα